World's Most Expensive Emerald
This $ 400,000,000 Emerald is the most expensive among the emeralds in the world, and this has become a curse that has destroyed the lives of almost every person who has contact with the Emerald. The emeralds were discovered in a Colombian rainforest mine in 2001. Like something coming out of an Indiana Jones film, Emerald is in the process of being removed from the mine shaft by mules when they are attacked and killed by wild beetle tigers. The jewelers who owned the mine then forced the workers to painstakingly remove large 381kg (840 lb) of emeralds from underground with emergency stretchers. Further decisive meetings the rock came when flooded in an underground vault during Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.
Soon after that was stolen from a locked vault in Los Angeles and held as collateral for a loan or sale of diamonds. Next came near a fatal blood bath when the Emerald Stone was at the center of the transaction involving a Columbus family in the Nevada desert. The Emerald then promised to famous multi-billionaire fraudster Bernie Madoff, but two days before the surrender was supposed to occur, Madoff was arrested and sent to prison. Mark Downie is another plaintiff found not credible, and in 2011 a California businessman named Tony Thomas said he paid Brazilian miners $ 60,000 for Bahia just before it was stolen from him. There are other parties in the rights case, including groups led by the jewel trader Kit Morrison, who in possession of Bahia when confiscated by US authorities when business partner Morrison tried to sell it in Idaho. Gemstones have also witnessed a dramatic meeting in the Sao Paolo car park, the gas station was abandoned in San Jose, and even appeared for sale on eBay for $ 75 million. Others put claims for stone including: the Smithsonian in Washington, the Getty Museum, and the Brazilian government.
Emerald is currently being held at the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department, and last week an LA judge rejected an offer from Downie, who sought to be named the legal owner of a 180,000-carat gem (which is actually some geological emeralds fused together, one thigh size man). The next party is scheduled to be heard by judge L.A. is the Brazilian government. The hearing is set for January 2015. Emerald is a gemstone of mineral beryl (Be3Al2 (SiO3) 6) in green with trace amounts of chromium and sometimes vanadium. Colombia is the world's largest producer of emeralds, accounting for 50-95% of world production, with Zambia being the second largest producer in the world. Emeralds, however, are found in almost every country on Earth.
Emerald is currently being held at the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department, and last week an LA judge rejected an offer from Downie, who sought to be named the legal owner of a 180,000-carat gem (which is actually some geological emeralds fused together, one thigh size man). The next party is scheduled to be heard by judge L.A. is the Brazilian government. The hearing is set for January 2015. Emerald is a gemstone of mineral beryl (Be3Al2 (SiO3) 6) in green with trace amounts of chromium and sometimes vanadium. Colombia is the world's largest producer of emeralds, accounting for 50-95% of world production, with Zambia being the second largest producer in the world. Emeralds, however, are found in almost every country on Earth.